Creating One Way Selective Authentication Domain trust

Creating One Way Selective Authentication Domain trust

1- Create DNS stubzone for each other domains or set up conditional forwarding.

  • – New Zone on DNS – Choose stub zone
  • – To all DNS servers running on domain controllers in this domain/forest
  • – Zone name should be called domain name of other domain
  • – Type in a DNS server in the other domain
  • – Click on stub zone and select transfer from master
  • – Refresh stub zone and you should now see the other DNS zone

2- Create the one way trust

  • – One-Way outgoing on domain with resources that need to be accessed (
  • – External
  • – One way outgoing
  • – This domain only
  • – Selective Authentication
  • – Trust password
  • – Don’t confirm trust
  • – One-way incoming on domain with the user accounts that need access (
  • – External
  • – One Way incoming
  • – this domain only
  • – Enter trust password
  • – Confirm the Trust with admin account
  • – Confirm the outgoing trust on

3- Create Global security group on for users that need access to

4- On add user group to computers security permissions

5- Give Permission that allow authentication(Check Allowed to authenticate on security of the object they need access to)

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