Remove disconnected NFS Datastore

To manually remove the datastore:
  1. Connect to the ESX/ESXi host using SSH. For more information, see Connecting to an ESX host using a SSH client (1019852) or  Using Tech Support Mode in ESXi 4.1 and ESXi 5.x (1017910).
  2. Run this command to list the mounted datastores:

    ESXi 5.0, ESXi 5.1, ESXi 5.5:

    # esxcli storage nfs list
    Volume Name  Host        Share  Accessible  Mounted  Hardware Acceleration
    ———–  ———-  —–  ———-  ——-  ———————
    vol_nfs-2  /nfs2         true     true  Not Supported

    ESXi 4.x:

    # esxcfg-nas -l
    vol_nfs-2 is /nfs2 from mounted

    Where vol_nfs-2 is the NFS datastore name.

  3. Make a note of the NFS datastore name.
  4. Run this command to unmount the NFS datastore:ESXi 5.0:

    # esxcli storage nfs remove -v vol_nfs-2

    ESXi 4.x:

    # esxcfg-nas -d vol_nfs-2

  5. Log in to vCenter Server again and refresh the list of datastores in the Datastores View for each host.