Physical 2 Virtual BSOD 0x0000007B

Physical 2 Virtual BSOD 0x0000007B


  1. If the server comes up with the following BSOD 0x0000007B similar to below
  2. Boot the virtual machine to a Windows server CD
  3. Click Next on the language selection screen
  4. Select repair your computer
  5. Click Next on loading recovery tools
  6. Launch CMD prompt
  7. Type Regedit
  8. Highlight HKLM then click on File -> Load Hive and select the file on the OS drive named Windows\System32\config\system. Name the hive recovery or whatever you want
  9. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/recovery/System/CurrentControlSet001/Services/LSI_SAS
  10. Change the Start key to 0
  11. Select HKLM/Recovery then from the file menu select Unload Hive

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